Why Choose Us?

Our Doctor:
Our technologies undergo constant evaluation for certification and receive ongoing assessment and appraisal to ensure the best experience for our clients. While technology is critical, it is the staff at Maadi  Laser Clinic that truly make the difference for our clients. Our Doctor is Dr Basma Labeeb, Dermatologist &Cosmetologiest. Furthermore, Our Doctor is always available to go beyond the call of duty with any request you may have or to simply advise you on your results or progress.

At Derma Clinic,our doctor is always on the lookout for new technologies that will allow us to enhance our clinical services as well as your personal appearance. Furthermore, our commitment to the safety and comfort of our clients is of paramount importance. All treatments are conducted in supervised conditions, within a clean and relaxed atmosphere, ensuring your safety and comfort remains our top priority!

Our Technologies:
We have the unparalled Alexandrite laser ever known Candela  Gentlase
The largest spot size
Lowest cost per session
The best integrated dynamic epidermal cooling device (DCD)
We Have Fractional Laser Sellas , Radio Frequency, Lavatron